We help and support Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants. Forgotten Australians are the children who grew up in orphanages, foster care, children’s homes or other institutions in Australia from the 1920s to the 1980s.

Up until the 1970s, the United Kingdom deported children to Australia. This usually happened without the families giving permission. These children are Former Child Migrants.


How can we help?

We help people affected though:

  • counselling and support,
  • searching for records (such as adoption records),
  • tracing family,
  • reconnecting with family, when possible.

It can be difficult and stressful to talk about these topics. Our staff have experience in talking about these issues. We are respectful of people’s choices and options, and the different experiences of those affected.



Our counselling and support service are confidential. This means that everything you discuss with the counsellor is private. A counsellor may have to report something that threatens your safety or the safety of others.




Service Type
Who is it for?