Relationships Australia NT recently announced several new and improved incentives to encourage staff to take an active role in their pursuit of wellness and self-care including:

  •  One day of well-being leave (in addition to regular leave entitlements),
  •  workshops to help staff engage in positive wellness and self-care activities,
  •  vicarious trauma testing,
  •  individual wellness and self-care plans.

What is Wellness?

Wellness is an active process of being aware and making choices that lead toward an outcome of optimal holistic health and well-being. Although we are responsible for our choices, behaviours, and lifestyles; wellness is also significantly influenced by our physical, social, and cultural environments.


Wellness & Selfcare Plans for staff

Each staff member will create their own wellness & self-care plan that looks at all the aspects of their well-being including:

  • Physical health
  • Managing & reducing stress
  • Emotional & spiritual needs
  • Finding balance in work & life
  • Addressing barriers to self-care.

The plans are reviewed regularly and encourage staff to review their self-care activities, explore new well-being strategies and utilise their entitlements.


Vicarious Trauma Testing 

Our staff are often exposed to traumatic content in their work. Relationships Australia NT staff undergo annual Vicarious Trauma testing using self-assessment tools. This process supports staff and their managers to monitor the effects of vicarious trauma and actively address it within a Targeted Activities Plan.


Service Type
Who is it for?